
Fitted Towbars Newcastle Supply & Fitting Service

Fitted towbars Newcastle all supplied by Sounds Alarming

With years of experience in this industry, we offer clients a professional towbar fitting service in the Newcastle area.  All our towbar fitters are employed by ourselves, we do not subcontract our work to 3rd party companies.

Types of Towbars

All the fitted towbars we supply are from leading manufacturers.  Furthermore, these companies also make towbars for car manufacturers, therefore, you can be assured of excellent quality.

There are two different styles of towbars, either a flange ball towbar, this is where the towbar has a faceplate with the towbar bolted on to it. Or the other option is a swan neck towbar, this comes in one piece with the towball attached. Both these are available as fixed or detachable.

Secondly, you need to decide on the type of electrics you want, the appropriate socket hinges depend on what you are going to be towing.

Types of electrics for towbars

Single Electrics for fitted towbars

With single 7 pin electrics, you can only power the lights on your caravan or trailer.  This is the minimum legal requirement allowed when towing.  In addition, this would also be suitable for a bike carrier.

Twin Electrics for towbars

These use two 7 pin sockets, wired up to the car to power the caravan being towed.  These can power the road lights, reverse lights and interior electrics running a fridge or freezer for example.

13 Pin Socket

All caravans that were manufactured after 2008 in the UK  come already with 13 pin connectors. These are twin electrics merged together into one socket.

By choosing the correct electrics can make a big difference especially with caravans functionality on the inside.


In addition to the above, we can supply vehicle specific wiring harnesses. We offer a large range of both 7 and 13 pin kits, these can be installed into the interface within the actual vehicle. They can also be used with their original connectors and/or communicate directly with the vehicle management system. Furthermore, enabling the manufacturers towing safety features (e.g. trailer stability programs), these are already present in more modern motor vehicles to function.

Below are the towbars we stock which are all available for fitting from our team.

Fixed Flange Ball Towbars

This is the most common towbar in the UK, generally used for towing heavy trailers and caravans. With this towbar, you can tow either a trailer or a caravan and if required carry bikes on the back of your car at the same time. ( within the recommended weight limit). This towbar also allows you to adjust the height if needed.

  • Carry your bikes whilst towing  (subject to nose load limits)
  • Bumper shields can be fitted
  • AL-KO towballs can also be fitted to this towbar
  • The towing height on a 4 x 4 and commercial four hole plate towbar can be adjusted. 
  • Choice of towing couplings
  • Accessories can also be added to this towbar. 

Detachable Flange Towbars

Exclusive to Witter, these offer all the versatility of a fixed flange bar, thus leaving only a small part visible when detached. 

  • Carry bikes and tow at same time
  • Towball can be removed when not in use 
  • AL-KO towballs can be fitted 
  • Does not trigger reversing sensors whilst not towing
  • Choice of towing couplings
  • Accessories can be fitted to this towbar
detachable-flange-tow bar

Fixed Swan Neck Towbars

These towbars are not as popular in the UK as other countries. This type of towbar is not as flexible as other designs we stock and its compatibility for fittings and accessories is not as good. However, you can get bike carriers for this type of towbar, but unfortunately, you cannot tow at the same time. 

Out of all the towbars, this one is most likely not to set off reversing sensors. Unfortunately, it cannot be installed on vehicles with a bumper shield.

  • Compatible with AL-KO Stabilisers
  • Unlikely to trigger reversing sensors
  • A little more expensive than the flange towbar
  • Can’t be fitted with a bumper shield.


Detachable Swan Neck 

The detachable swan neck is very popular in Europe. It is detachable tow bar therefore it does not have to stay on your vehicle throughout the year. Once it is attached to cars it does not stop you accessing the boot. Additional attachments are available separately for people wishing to carry bikes.  However, if you are attaching a bike carrier you cannot tow at the same time. 

  • Towball can be removed 
  • Unrestricted boot access
  • AL-KO and other friction stabilisers can be also added
  • Reversing sensors are not triggered when you are not towing. 

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